Seer Binary Track Record After Three Months of Trading

(Note:  For a more comprehensive analysis, click here to read “The Seer Binary Debacle” where I covered the argument that false advertising had occurred.)

Seer Binary’s binary options Autotrader Following System (AFS) went live on September 22, 2014, but it wasn’t until October 6, 2014 that the first signal triggered.  As of the writing of this post (1/7/15), Seer Binary has now been in operation for a little over three months.  Three months is a fair and adequate length of time to evaluate the performance of this company or any company for that matter.

This post is a review of Seer Binary’s binary options trading track record as a result of using it’s AFS from October 6, 2014 – January 5, 2015.  All efforts have been made to be fair and accurate based on my own personal knowledge and experience with Seer Binary; but if anything is lacking, you are encouraged to offer your thoughts and comments at the bottom of this posting.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  This review will appear as if it is a negative review, but let me assure you that the things being shared here did not come about out of hatred or an attempt to tear down Seer Binary.  On the contrary, I want nothing more than to see Seer Binary become successful as evidenced by my level of efforts and performance in helping to build Seer Binary (Click here to see how I (Yang Xiong) rank with other field leaders). Here, I am merely presenting things as they have been and as they presently are in Seer Binary.

Now that we got that out of the way, lets get to it …

Seer Binary Track Record

The image at the bottom of this post which shows some data and a chart is Seer Binary’s trading track record from the period of October 6, 2014 – January 5, 2015.  The results are based on the performance of my personal account which was set to follow the master trader’s account during the whole said time period.  Let me further clarify that there was a short period that Seer Binary manually traded, and people were given the option to follow along manually.  This account, however, was not used to participate in the manual trading.  Thus, all the trading results shown in the image below are only the results from setting the account to automatically follow the AFS.

I followed the recommendations of Seer Binary which was to trade only 5% or less of my GOptions broker account balance.  I started with an opening balance of $1,000 at GOptions; and as a 5Star package owner, I am eligible to receive up to 200 signals or trades per month.  Well … I guess I should say, I was originally told that I would receive “at least” 200 trades per month (Click here to be taken to the sales video that made this statement), but when things started going downhill, Seer Binary changed their wordings in its written documents and sales video to say “up to” 200 trades per month (Click here to be taken to that video).

If you carefully analyze the data and chart below, you will see that Seer Binary’s autotrading services have not come close to what it advertised or proposed to do especially for SVIP members.  Seer Binary’s success rate has been only at 50% whereas it advertised a success rate of over 70%, and it’s average monthly signals has been only around 95 which is equivalent to only a 2Star package owner when SVIPs should be receiving at least 200 signals per month.

In terms of my earnings, you can see that it looked promising at first, but it just steadily went downhill after the second week or so.  The chart and data below show that I still had $81 dollars left out of the $1,000 that was deposited to open my account, but as of today (1/7/15), my account has only $6 left which means that I’m wiped out.  My account won’t trigger anymore because I don’t have at least $25 in my account which is the minimum required.

And so there you have it – the Seer Binary Track Record after three months.  I have presented both of the facts and my personal thoughts here and there throughout this posting.  I expect that not every reader will see it the way I see, but this review was based on everything I knew that have occurred from the beginning to the present time.

But you be the judge and please do offer your thoughts down below at the comments section. (If needed, click on the image for an enlargement)

(Note:  For a more comprehensive analysis, click here to read “The Seer Binary Debacle” where I covered the argument that false advertising had occurred.)


77 thoughts on “Seer Binary Track Record After Three Months of Trading

  1. wang

    As I see Seerbinary’s report email to me below, stated that we have ended in positive result in 2014. To me a positive result means: Making Profit. I though everyone should have this email, in case you don’t please read Seerbinary’s email below.


    Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2015 02:04:58 +0000
    Subject: SVIP Conference Call

    Hi WANG,

    Happy New Year and let’s make 2015 a prosperous year.

    As you know, we went live on September 22nd, 2014 and our first trading triggered on October 6th if I remember correctly.
    We’ve experienced a dramatic success during our first couple of weeks and then we started to go downhill – not a great news
    for most of us. However, now our new strategy has shown that we’ve picking up again. In fact, we’ve ended our 2014 with a positive result.
    Therefore, we are looking forward to a better success for 2015.

    Anyway, I am writing you this message in respond to the date I’ve set from the beginning for our SVIP conference call.
    The time is near and you are invited to join our SVIP Team webinar as follow:

    When: January 5th, 2015
    Time: 6:00pm PST.
    Where: Go to (be sure your speaker is working properly)
    Purpose: The purpose of this call is to give you a glimpse of how well we’ve been doing over the past 3 months
    and what will be the plan for our future.

    Note: This Webinar is hosted exclusively for our SVIP Team and should not be shared with anyone else. Please be there
    at least 10 minutes before the time as we will start it on time.

    I am looking forward to see you then…

    Have a great weekend and enjoy every moment!

    Respectfully yours,

    Long Yang, CEO/President
    Seer Binary, Inc.

  2. Yang Xiong Post author

    You are right Wang Khue. We did not end up on the positive. We are still in the negative. Looking at my account, I’m still short by $544. I would like to know how Long comes up with the conclusion that we ended up on the positive.

  3. wang

    Hi Yang,
    According to our meeting last night, you that your account balance is $81 left and I saw your record showing as:
    Total winning 53%
    Profit over (500) can’t remember the exact number.
    Account balance over 400.

    Why this morning your report show:
    Total winning 50%
    Profit (39)
    Account balance 961

    How do you get back the money? Is that real account balance or you just put the number in?

    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      The reason why it shows differently from when you first saw my report is because I have updated it to reflect the final trading results of 1/5/15. At the time I shared my results which was in the early part of they day, Seer Binary has not completed trading on 1/5/15. After we had the SVIP call in the evening, I checked my account and it showed that Seer Binary traded many more times on 1/5/15 which brought my account balance down to $81. What you now see as of the writing of this reply (1/6/15) is the actual trading records.

      1. Yang Xiong Post author

        Update on my account…. I just now checked and it has now been wiped out. I have only $6 left in my account which is not enough to participate anymore with Seer Binary as the minimum required to trade is $25.

        1. KOU


          1. Yang Xiong Post author

            You are welcome. I am for transparency and teamwork. If we are able to gather together at one place to put our heads together, we can come up with better solutions.

  4. wang

    Hi Members,
    As you could see Yang’s report, the account almost wiped out. Yang is the 5 star trading and he never click unfollowed since the first day. You see, how many trades did he receive? Did anyone get positive result? How many of you willing to put more money in Goptions? Remember!
    Seerbinary never mention about the withdraw from Goptions. You go back and read the term and condition on paragraph 11. I read at least 2 times before I fund Goptions, I did not see until yesterday. Goption said:
    Can not withdraw any profit until you hit the 10 times trading. For example, if you deposit $1000 in. Your $1000 you can withdraw any time, but the profit have to reach $10,000 at that time you can withdraw your profit. So you have to make a good decision before you put more money in. I recommend to read over, I might be wrong.

  5. wang

    Hi team,
    This is a ticket I made after our Monday night meeting. Please read and feel free to drop a comment. I also sent this to Long’s email he said: will do.

    According to his statement below, Long is not going to hold a meeting for us to discuss the issues.
    What is your though?
    Who is the leader?
    If you feel that you are the leader, please talk to him.
    Long is not going to talk to me, because I am not one of the leader.
    We paid $5000.00 to be a part of Seer Bianay. We should have the right to know the plan.

    01/05/15 22:08 – Wang Khue Thao
    Hi Long,
    It was my pleasure to have conference call meeting with you and all the SVIP members to clarify the bonus. As you mentioned during the meeting, you did not want to discus other issues that we have questions about. Therefore, I would like you to hold a meeting with all the members to discuss and clarify other issues and our trading strategy in the future.
    Thank you,
    01/06/15 10:35 – Long Yang
    Hi Wang Khue,

    Strategy may not be shared with the whole members as 98% of the members knows nothing about the market. It would be very complicated to discuss such topic plus it wasn’t our policy to share the strategy. What Seer Binary is all about is for a member to look at our result and decided whether a member wants to “Follow” or “Unfollow”. This is our boundary.

    However, if you as a leader would like to understand more in this matter, I am open for a one on one discussion included any other related challenges.

    I hope you understand.

    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      Wang Khue… I think you misread or misunderstand Long’s response. I believe what he is trying to say is that he will talk to you who is a leader and those who want to know what is going on, but he wants to do it one on one. As for his statement about not sharing the strategy with the whole membership, I think it is a mistake on his part to keep these information from the members. It only causes people to further distrust him, and it would make them feel that he has a hidden agenda, but this is something that he has chosen to do, so consequences will follow.

  6. Koy Phan

    Hi Team,,
    Me and my Fiancé both joined Seer binary as the SVIP members. We first noticed that things were off and under delivered from beginning and I sent many tickets and email to Long about the Bleech of contract and false advertisement. Long kept saying that I didn’t understand him and the business. That he will improve the signals to what SVIP paid for and that I will thank him for creating this successful business for everyone. I unfollowed as of 11/17/14. I lost 1119 profit and my original 1000 down to 500. Then I started to trade on my own and able to make back my original 1000. As of right now I’m +/-1000.
    Please do not sign the agreement from Long if anyone receive it. It’s his way of tricking us again. Is you are like me, I really want partial refund back. It’s obviously that he can not deliver what he had originally promised. We need to get together and figure out how we can get his attention on this urgent matter. Thank you. Koy

  7. Koy Phan

    Hi team,
    Does anyone remember the video presentation we all attended? We all went in thinking that lives will be changed. Many of us empty their life savings, retirements and all avenues based on Long’s presentation. Are we all such fools to fall for such a con game? i think we are all deserve partial refund. The reasons are; 1. Trading track record is not at 60%,70%, or 75% as advertised. 2. Master traders with combine 20+years of experiences. 3.umlimitted signals for SVIP, I received 65 signals a mo and it is not equal to a 2 star level, which should cost only $500.00. Why should one pay $5000.00 and received less than $500.00?

    1. wang

      I agree Koy! please read the CEO’s email that I posted yesterday again. He said 98% of our member know not thing about the market and we the members paid that amount to just make decision whether follow or unfollow. Also please read his invitation to the conference call on Monday night Jan 5, 2015 below. He stated clearly that we ‘re going talk about the last 3 months and our future plan. However, during the meeting he changed the purpose of the meeting. He said: this meeting is only the SVIP’s bonus issue and I don’t want to talk about any others issue. In just two days he changed his mind. This is a big scammer.

      My questions and comments.
      1. Where are the top ten recruiters? I know Yang is here what about the rest. The rumor said Lang Billy Moua the 3rd top is completely out of the Seer Binary. Is that true and why?
      2. Top ten recruiters put 68 SVIP in the plane and collect $340,000 in Binary’s pocket taking off without their members. Is that fair?
      3. We bought the product expected to get full product not just a partial of the product. Therefore, we deserve to get a partial refund.
      4. Where Seer Binary is going to go?
      5. Who is going to pay us the 5% SVIP bonus every 3 month?

  8. wang

    Hi team,
    Please read my ticket that I submitted to Seer Binary and the response from the CEO below.
    I understood that I paid $5,000.00 for SVIP position to be part of the company not just to make a decision whether to follow or unfollow. This position includes making profit with unlimited signals. Since no one made profits, I have the right to know what is Seer Binary’s plan and to see what all the other members think.

    01/05/15 22:08 – Wang Khue Thao
    Hi Long,
    It was my pleasure to have conference call meeting with you and all the SVIP members to clarify the bonus. As you mentioned during the meeting, you did not want to discus other issues that we have questions about. Therefore, I would like you to hold a meeting with all the members to discuss and clarify other issues and our trading strategy in the future.
    Thank you,
    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Seer Binary, Inc.
    Date: Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 9:35 AM
    Subject: [#15813539] Request Meeting

    Hello Wang Khue Thao,

    Our customer support personnel has replied to your support request #15813539

    Hi Wang Khue,

    Strategy may not be shared with the whole members as 98% of the members knows nothing about the market. It would be very complicated to discuss such topic plus it wasn\'t our policy to share the strategy. What Seer Binary is all about is for a member to look at our result and decided whether a member wants to \"Follow\" or \"Unfollow\". This is our boundary.

    However, if you as a leader would like to understand more in this matter, I am open for a one on one discussion included any other related challenges.

    I hope you understand.

    We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If you wish to send additional comments or information regarding this issue, please don’t open a new ticket. Simply login using the link below and update the ticket.

    Best Regards,

    Seer Binary, Inc.

  9. Koy Phan

    Hi Wang,
    I read your tickets and response to and from Long. It’s true that 98% of the members don’t know how the market works, but 100% of the members know that we are losing money and when things do not add up to what was advertised and promised. We were told that they have 65% success ratio. If that is the case then why all of us lost all our profit and original deposit seed money? Where is so call master traders with combine 20+ years of experiences? Where is so call unlimited signals. Every one of the items promised in the sale video is nothing, but a lie. We are teaching our children to watch out for strangers, that may hurt them, take their money or take advantage of them. Why are we fall for such a con game and scam from someone we know and trust?

  10. Benjamin Her

    Happy New Year to everyone in the world. I don’t have much to say,but I am demanding my $5000.00 for VIP position back. Within 24 hours if I don’t hear any reply to my comment I will proceed to FCC and FBI to investigate this matter.



    2. wang

      Hi Benjamin and Cheng,
      I agree with your idea. However, please do not report in the next 24 hours. We need to have more information and wait until Long Respond to us. Also, we need to stand together to make it stronger.
      Hope you understand my point.
      Thank you,

  11. KOU


    1/5/15: Seer Binary traded 27 times, won only 8 times
    1/6/15: Seer Binary traded 3 times, won 0 times
    1/7/15: Seer Binary traded 21 times, won only 12 times
    1/8/15: Seer Binary traded 15 times, won only 2 times




    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      I agree with you Kou. I am involved in other businesses and what you laid out is how they handled situations like what we are going through in Seer Binary. They choose to do the right thing, but Long unfortunately does not see it that way. I have urged Long many times and I’m not the only one. Now with all of your voices as well, I hope that Long’s eyes and ears will open and do the right thing by offering refunds to those who request for it. The bottom line is his system has not been able to delivered what he advertised. It’s not right to advertise one thing for people to pay $$$ for and then do something different and expect people to just suck it up.

  12. Elizabeth Her

    Long must set up a face to face meeting so that all SVIP members can discuss all the concerns of whats been happening since the time we’ve all joined up till now.

    3 months ago I was introduced to a very promising business opportunity which is SeerBinary, I was very happy to learn about this opportunity where I’ve invested 5 grand because you and Billy made it sound very promising however towards the end you and Billy have failed to provide the promises that you have presented originally.

    Can you explain to me how I’m ever going to make my 5 grand back that I gave you with the current results? I’m very unhappy at this point with the fact that I’ve lost all my money and not gained anything as promised. I’m very disappointed why you’re not trying to hear what all your SVIP members are saying. SeerBinary is not successful as you have predicted or promised. We as members just joined and we’ve lost all our money already while your the only one that has gained. What kind of business is this that only the CEO or the company gains money and no one else?

    I personally joined as a SVIP member in October 2014 and I’ve lost all my money and gained nada. Therefore you need to refund my 5 grand back immediately.

    You need to accept the fact that your not able to fix or make SeerBinary be a successful business anymore therefore this business is done and will not do anyone any good and its best for you to refund my money back. I feel that 3 months is a fair amount of time to know that a business will have gain or not.

    I know that you know that SeerBinary is no longer able to move on I’m expecting for you to refund back my 5 grand otherwise I will take the necessary legal actions as needed. I know I’m not the first to state this. Admit it! SeerBinary sucks.
    Hope to hear back from real soon regarding my concerns!!

  13. Elizabeth Her

    I want 100% of my 5 grand back that I have invested to SeerBinary due to the promises that was presented to me was not delivered as proposed. Also Long is not trying to hear what us SVIP members are saying or have concerns about

  14. Junne L Her

    I want my money back as a svip I invest to seerbinary. Ever since I got to this business everyday loss never gain. Long said a svip will get 200 trades or more per month but we just get the same like the regular trade. he said year of expert I think he over react. Seerbinary is not ready to be in business. This is a false advertisement. I understand that a trader can be loss or win but ever since we got to seerbinary my account went down hill $2800. all the way to 00 balance that is so terrible can you believe that

  15. wang

    Hi Kou, Cheng, Elizabeth and Junne,
    Thank you and I’m glade to see all your good points. At first, I though I myself and Koy were the only 2 persons who were not happy about seer binary’s activities. Now I’m happy to see and agree with all your good points. Even though our account is wiped out, Long’s email on 12/31/14 still said “we have ended with positive result in 2014”. If you don’t have that email please read my post on Jan 6, 15. I believe Long is the only person who ended with a positive result in 2014. This is a big scammer.

    Long please read our post and respond to us as soon as possible.

    Thank you

    1. Steve Lewandowski

      Wow Wang really??? You will have to consult with Koy my fiancee and Yang I was one of the first if not the first to unfollow! Two I was one of the First to realize what was happening at Seer Binary along with Yang’s brother. I simply chose to allow Long to do the right thing before spoke about our situation.

      Steve Lewandowski

        1. Yang Xiong Post author

          Wang. Steve is simply saying that he recognized that something was wrong way early on and he had just been giving Long the benefit of the doubt and giving him time to do the right thing which is to acknowledge that Seer Binary really has no track record to stand on yet as advertised and that it needs to correct a wrong that had taken place. If Long continues to not do the right thing, then appropriate actions will be taken. Is that what you mean Steve?

  16. wang

    Hi everyone,
    Please click the first 2 red line on this page to see the information Yang had provide to us. Yang has provided such good information. Thank you Yang

  17. wang

    Hi team,
    For those who wiped out your goptions account, you could try to dispute from your credit card. I am not sure, but you should try. For me I deposit 2 times of 1000 because the first time did not go through. Then I created another account and try again. The second time went through. The next day my first account went through too. So I have 2000 total. Start trading 10/9/14 in just 4 days trading. my account is more than $4700. I am so happy with result and think that my life is going to change soon. The next 2 days trading my account goes down $3600, I decide to withdraw 1200. $2400 still in my account, now I have $1200 left because I unfollow for a period of time. I withdraw the rest 800 three times already. All the transaction are canceled they say; I take the bonus. I chat, email and talk with them the problem never be solved. I try withdraw again if it won’t go through I will file dispute the next couple days. Remember we cannot withdraw any profit until we hit 10 times of our account. My case, is $20,000.00 As you could see we got scam from goptions.
    Thank you

  18. Koy Phan

    Hello everyone,
    Glad to see more and more members are coming and giving the feedback on how each and everyone is feeling toward Seer binary and it’s CEO. We are both the victim of this scam. We need to stand together and make our voices heard. I pointed out to Long very early on that I did not receive the signals that I paid for. For SVIP, it said we are getting umlimitted signals, I receied 65signal in Oct. it is not equivalent to 2 stars level. I sent Long emails and submitted tickets, but the answers were ( I don’t know how the market works, I dont understand his email, and that I need to re read his emails) it was really insulting. He said that I will thank him for creating seer binary for ordinary people to make money.
    Team, please do not sign the agreement for us to get the remaining balance of the bonus. Please read his email. He said he will credit the difference pending the received of the agreement. He will put the conditions in the agreement and he will trick us again. Feel free to contact me at:
    Thank you and best of luck

  19. Koy Phan

    Hi team,
    I read everyone’s comments and I strongly feel that we are in the same boat. We need to stand together as one and voice our concerns, dissappointmentts, frustrations and dissatisfiction in seer binary and it’s business track record. We are the members that made up the business. At this point in time I have no faith in our leader to carry us through this challenge and the only thing I ask for is to get the refund of the SVIP package fee of $5000.00. I do not see any future success and no plan in staying and do business with the CEO.

  20. Steve Lewandowski

    I believe we all have expressed our sentiments and thoughts logically and passionately. So I personally will address my comments in hopes that Long will read this. Long, Koy and I have given you the benefit of a doubt our patience and above else our loyalty. You have not given the same in return, what we have received in return is deceit, lies , and insulting our intelligence.
    What I am personally asking for is a public apology and a full refund of my SVIP money. We are all waiting for you to make the next step before we will be forced to make ours.

  21. Long

    Hi everyone…

    Long here and I want to first thanks Yang for creating this blog for our leaders to share their thoughts and express their feeling. I’ve read your messages and understand how you felt. Per your request, please give me sometimes next week to look for a place and once that’s done, I will send out the date and location. There are updates and future plan for us – you were with me from the beginning and I will be here with you til the end regardless of the situation. For future success, I still need your support. We’ve came this far, let’s stick together. Situation may seem tough, but I am still here. I am not a scammer or you won’t be able to see me again. I loved you all will still love you regardless of what you’ve planned or said to me.

    Please expect an email from me sometimes next week and let’s overcome our challenges together.

    Respectfully yours – Long

  22. Vaming Xiong

    I am glad to hear our CEO Long Yang posted his response to all of us. I’m looking forward to attend the meeting next week. I hope many of you will clear your schedule and be able to attend it as well once we know the date, time, and location. Have a Happy New Year.

  23. Koy Phan

    Glad to see Seer Binary CEO responses to all members comments. Thank you Yang for creating this dialogue for members to express their thoughts, feelings and concerns on Seer binar and its directions in past 3 months.

  24. wang

    Hello team,
    I am glad to see Long post. I’m looking forward to receive that email and attend the meeting next week.

    I joined the leadership conference call yesterday. Thai said that Seer Binary is going to take us to another high level trading company which is much better than what we have done so far. He strongly believes that we are going reach our goals. If you decide not to go with Seer Binary, you will be sorry and there is not thing else Seer Binary can help. Also, he said that he has 64 people include 12 SVIP are ready to move on. (Believe it? A cat sit on the stove and get burn will never come back and sit on that stove again) This is another scam.

    1. To move on-good luck! and hope you reach your financial freedom.
    2. To stay-Seer Binary has to refund at least 60% to the SVIP before the SVIP take legal action.

    Hope to see your comment

    Thank you

    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      I would be very interested to know who these 12 SVIPs are and how would they feel if they know the facts that have been presented here on the “Seer Binary Track Record After Three Months” and on “The Seer Binary Debacle” (

      I highly doubt that people would still be highly motivated to try something else that would be offered by Long when everything has been burnt. At least, presently I won’t away. In the future, if there truly is a track record and if I feel that it is worth it, then I may change my mind; but from what I’ve experienced in the last three months, I have to say it’s horrible.

      I know Long has good intentions from the start because I worked closely with him at that time, and so I know what he was trying to achieve, but along the way, I feel strongly that Long had dealt with issues that came up the wrong way which had lead all of us to be where we are today.

  25. wang

    Base on Yang’s email below and what I have posted on both side (long and short version) please! Read Again. We are scammed by Goptions or Seer Binary or both for sure. You could see that:
    Once you won a trade, they fixed to be lost.
    Once you lost a trade, they fixed to be win.

    On the 12/19/14, I got 10 trade ratio 5-5 lost $20.00 already. Later the same day, my trade become 6-4 and make $20.00 profit that day. (Believe it?) scam!!!

    Yang Xiong Attachment 11/21/14 Keep this message at the top of your inbox Active View
    1 attachment (15.2 MB)
    Download Binary Options Dirty Little Secret – YouTube_1(1) (1).mp4 (15.2 MB)
    Binary Options Dirty Little Secret – YouTube_1(1) (1).mp4Download
    Download as zipSave to OneDrive
    Hello Team.

    As your sponsor or an upline, I make it my responsibility to keep you informed as much as possible to everything that I know so you can make the best decision for yourself in Seer Binary. This email is a follow up to my last email in which I highly recommended that you UNFOLLOW for now. The reason for this is because everything points to the very real possibility that GOptions has been scamming ALL of us who are with Seer Binary. I now say this because of two pieces of information that came to my attention.

    The first piece of information is a email communication between what appears to be the CEO of GOptions and one of his account managers in which the CEO essentially pressured the account manager to carry out activities that would bring in more money to GOptions. One of our Seer Binary team members was trying to withdraw money but GOptions blocked it and tried to get her to leave Seer Binary to sign up directly with them. It is these kind of activities that account managers have been doing. If you have been receiving calls and emails from them, then simply ignore them.

    The second piece of information is the attached video which describes practically everything that we have been experiencing in the last couple of months that we got involved with Seer Binary and GOptions.

    As I think back to how we started and where we are today, it makes sense that GOptions is the culprit behind all our losses. GOptions allowed us to win the first couple of weeks to get all our people excited so they would put in more money. Then GOptions turned around and made sure that we lose steadily since then to the present time. For today’s trades, I got a total of 12 trades, loss 11 and won only 1 trade. This is unbelievable! It could only happen this way because GOptions has the ability to make sure there are winners and losers. Listen to the video and you will understand what I mean hear.

    Also, my brother who is our upline saw it with his own eyes for one of his big trades that he had won the trade at the time of expiration, but when GOptions published it a few minutes later, it then showed that he had loss the trade. Also, think of the ridiculous amount of bonus that GOptions was willing to offer us. They were offering matching bonuses of 100% – 200% of your deposit. Now why would GOptions do this if they were not so sure that they can get it back? Of course, they will be able to get it back by cheating you and me.

    OK. That’s it for now.

    Yours in Success,

    1. Long

      Hello everyone,

      The message has been sent and most received it. A few reported that they didn’t receive the email. I am not sure either – perhaps it went to the spam box so maybe try to check there.

      I hope that all of you can attend our live meeting per your request and let’s share our challenges together in person and move on to tomorrow’s journey. I am here for you, so Yang, there’s no need for this blog’s discussion. If you all can do me a favor and let’s remove this discussion page for now – please come to the meeting and let’s find a solution.

      Thank you for your understanding, and I am looking forward to see you all there.

      1. Yang Xiong Post author

        Hello Long.

        You will need to check your system why it is not working properly that not all people are not getting your messages. I’ve have checked my spam but there is no email from you there either.

        As for removing this blog, it would mean shutting people up. That is exactly what people don’t want. It is only through my blog that for the first time, people are able to express freely their collective frustrations and how they see the situation at Seer Binary. For too long and even now, Seer Binary did not take the initiative for the membership to have a voice or a place where they can get together to share their collective thoughts and so forth to support each other.

        I am fully aware that what people publicly express here could both hurt and support Seer Binary. It is very important that people are empowered and given a place to voice their opinions. Because of these very important things that I briefly laid out here that I will not be removing this blog.

        1. Wang

          Hi Yang,
          I agree, this blog can be removed until we have the result.
          Thank you

        2. Wang

          This blog gives members a chance to voice their concerns because they are being ignored. This blog let each other see everyone’s concerns and frustrations. If business was as it had stated at the beginning of enrolling members and a few weeks investment, this blog would have not been necessary at all. However, there was no gain or profit in this investment. Members are losing all investment amounts instead of gaining some sort of profit as stated. We understand that there are losses and gains. However, we also understand that we should not have loss all of our money within three months of trading unless we trade large amounts. Now, would I trust them again and invest more? Probably not, base on this result.

          A business is only successful if the CEO/President/Owner supports it members and responds to their concerns in a timely manner. Plans need to be lay out to all members so that they can decide for themselves whether they want in or not. There cannot be hidden agenda. Members are what keeps a business running. If there are no customer or member, business will definitely fail in on blink of an eye. Rumors and word of mouth are very powerful in making a business grow or bring it down.

  26. vaming xiong

    Hello everyone, I just want to post the CEO’s message regarding this Thursday meeting to all members ONLY: Please make a note and clear your schedule to attend it. Thanks.
    January 12, 2015 at 11:44 AM

    Hi Team,

    As many of you may be wondering what’s going on with Seer Binary, I am here to tell you that though our results so far may not reach the expecation we were looking for, my team and I were working tireless behind the scene to make things right.

    Per many of your request, I have accomondated a time for us to come together and share our updates in terms of future plan and what’s the real plan that’s recommended by our legal team – this is going to shock you. This meeting is very important because we are focusing on a couple of major topics that many of you have been waiting for.

    For our SVIP, please set aside your schedule and attend this live meeting. Let’s share our challenges together. We all here together from the beginning and will stick together for as long as it takes. I will share your obstacles and challenges together and let’s move on to our journey.

    If you live far and unable to attend, I can understand. I will give you update after the meeting so you know what’s going on. However, if you can make it – it would be beneficiary and I promise you won’t regret it.

    TIME: THURSDAY, 15TH AT 7:00PM – 9:00PM SHARP. (Try to be there 15 min earlier)

    NOTE: This live meeting is exclusively for our existing members.
    That’s it…I am looking forward to see you there.

    Respectfully yours,

    Long Yang, CEO/President

    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      I am curious if the rest of you received this email from Long. My wife and I did not. I just double checked our emails.

      1. wang

        Could not believe that the first top producer did not receive the invitation to the meeting.

  27. Koy Phan

    I am very curious to know why meeting is set for weeknight and weekend.
    What did Long mean by it will “shock you” Is that mean we are getting our
    Refunds or better business opportunity? Either way it’s too late for more business opportunity from Long. I am losing faith in our CEO.
    Looking forward to this meeting.

  28. wang

    Hi team,
    I am glade to see that we are going to have a meeting on Thursday night. I am looking forward to attend the meeting.

    Long please be prepared to answer and solve all the problems we might have, I or we need the solution not focusing on new opportunity.
    Thank you

  29. Koua Vue


    Kuv paub hais tias nej muaj meeting tag kis tsaus ntuj, tab si kuv nyob deb lawm tuaj tsis tau koj yuav tau xav qhov hais tias ntawm koj cov lus uas tau hais rau peb ntawd tsis muaj tseeb vim peb ntseeg koj thiaj li poob los rau lub cib fim no. Hais txog ntawm peb 5 phav nyiaj koj yuav tsum thim, vim hais tias kuv cov nyiaj ua tso rau hauv Gotion los dho tsis tau. Kuv poob lawm 11 phav yeej make tsis tau ib qho profit li ua koj ho yuav xav li cas tsis tas li los tshuav cov nyob hauv Gotion yeej dho tsis tau li. Thov txim kuv yog Hmoob sau ntawv Hmoob tsis tas li cov sau ntawv hauv no feem coob yog Hmoob. Thaum kawg vam tias koj yuav ua raws li peb sawv daws xav thiaj yuav tsis muaj kev dub muag.

    1. KOU

      Npawg Kuam,
      Koj hais yog kawg li lawm. Qhov zoo mas Looj yuav tsum tau consider li koj hais. Li cas los peb yog hmoob neej hmoob tsav. Txhawm rau qhov kom txoj kev no dav rau peb lawm yav tom ntej. Lwm hnub peb sib ntsib thiaj tseem sib saib tau.

  30. Koy Phan

    Hello team,
    It was a pleasure to see and meet members face to face. This blog provides opportunity for members to voice their concerns and thoughts about the Seerbinary and it’s track record, but it so powerful to see members face to face and heard each other’s comments, thoughts, concerns and disappointment in Seerbinary. Long still thinks that we mis understood the contents of the presentation and that it wasn’t false advertised. Would anyone jump in and put $5000.00 if he said Seerbinary has 60% losing ratio and that he will make sure we lose all our money in 2-3months? Would anyone give $5000. 00 and only gets 65signals/mo? Or would anyone sign up with GOption knowing what I know now? That the acct manager Daniel is greedy and in it only for money and that he doesn’t care? Or I would anyone give money to GOption only to know that we can not withdraw out? Better question is, did Long do any research on this broker before he created Seerbinary? As I recalled, first meeting in Sept 2014, few presentaters reported that they were able to withdraw their money in 2-3days. Then why all of us having problem getting our money out even though we didn’t take the so call bonus? Last night Long reported that the attorney said its legal to take $5000.00 from it’s members if people are happy. Well then we are not happy with Seerbinary services, performances and horrible track records. Is this mean we deserve the refund? I personally feel that we are more than reasonable and fair to get 60% or $3000.00 refund. Long talked about he has to pay taxes and can not give members what they wants. Why should we cares about your taxes?

    1. PAO VANG

      Koy, I think you have made many clear and good points here. I agreed with your opinions. In regards to the taxes—we are not just born yesterday. We know how much taxes we should pay. it’s a 1099 Form. In fact, Long will not have to pay any taxes because of the loss profits. I still have not heard or seen any body doing business, loss profits and have to pa taxes. My small business, I made over six digits per year, however, I lost profits and I have never pay any taxes back to IRS.

      Bottom line is, if Long does not want to face legal action or government investigation, he has to pay back at least 60% to SVIP members. He lose the case anyway, when called to testify in front of the judge. He face trouble big times when FCC kicked in.

      Long, needed to be smart and do the right thing.

  31. Koy Phan

    Hello team,
    Just little curious to find out any resolution from last meeting after we left? Can someone update us on the last part of the meeting?
    One request from everyone. When you write on this blog, can you write in English so Steve, Fay and I can read?
    Thank you

  32. wang

    Hi Koy,
    It was my pleasure too. I support your idea, However, Long said several times that $1,000.00 is the max he could refund. What could we do?
    Thank you


      The meeting on 01/15/2015, there were about 20 members attending and no one is agreed to 1000. What if all 68 SVIP attending the meeting, how many SVIP will accepg the 1000.00—I wonderrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!

      1. Wang

        Hi Cheng,
        I heard couple leader said that they did not want their refund because they are looking for new opportunity. I believe most of us did not accept the offer. Long said that he did not afraid to go to court but did not want us to take that route, because at the end we will loose more.
        Thank you

  33. Koy phan

    Hi Wang,
    It was great talking to you and your wife last night. I am very curious to why the money doesn’t add up? It was $340,000+$49,000 monthly membership fee when he did the SVIP conference call. Why he said he only have $141,000 now? We decided to give him 3 days to think and response to us. $3000.00 is very reasonable and feasible. If he doesn’t come clean then it gives us no choice but to go forward with legal proceedings which he will loose everything including his home and assets or even jail time.
    We don’t want to go their yet and give him last chance to do the right thing.

    1. YEE VUE

      Koy, Who cares about how much money Long had in the account now. If the account is positive i do not think he will show us. The account showing is just made up to show so you can believe it just like his video, spread sheet and advertisement to get you into the Seer Binary and lost your money—Be smart and don”t step on that old nail again.

      The point is, Long misrepresenting, misleading and put a false advertising on Seer Binary to gimmicks people to join the business. Long beached of contact—Failed to delivered what he promised. Long hide a lots of information behind the scene. Long received Kicked back from Gotions—illegal. The fist 2 weeks every body made some money after that every thing is going down to the drain for 3 months—This is a Fraud and financial agenda planned, illegal practice!!!. If this is business opportunity, it can be up and down but Seer binary is down all the way for 3 months—this is a manually manipulated, purposely Fraud and Scam. My husband was so mad about this.

      $5000 refund is reasonable. $3000 refund may be acceptable.

  34. Xee

    The right thing to do would be to give everyone their full $5,000 back for the SVIP package. Even though everyone is trying to go easy on Long and are only asking for $3,000, he is STILL unwilling to give it. The sad thing is it seems he spent half of the SVIP members’ money to run Seer Binary and still needs it to continue with his new business as well as pay HIS taxes. IT IS IRRELEVANT how much his expenses were/are because it’s not our job to pay his business expenses. If you want to start a business, you use YOUR OWN MONEY or take a loan from the bank. I was not at the meeting but heard he shared a bank statement showing there’s only $141,000 left out of the $383,000. This absolutely proves & means nothing. We also don’t know if the money is elsewhere or has been used to buy fancy things. He needs to find a way to get the money back even if he has to liquidate items he bought with SVIP members’ money. I really don’t want to have to go there but the only way to get to know the truth and get to the bottom of things is to get an official investigation against both Seer Binary & Goptions. Seems this is probably the better & least expensive route to go provided he does not refund $3,000+.

  35. Wang

    Hi team,
    The week before the meeting I had a chance to discuss with one of the SVIP, I asked where is the Vice President Billy Moua. He said “the Vice President is out of Seerbinary” I asked why? He said “The attorney told Seer Binary that the $5,000.00 we paid for the package is not legal. Therefore, Seer Binary has to refund the $5,000 SVIP account.” He remind me that do not share this information to anyone else. I said OK. A couple hours later, I think this was not right. So I decided to ask Yang. I asked Yang if he knew anything about it. Yang said, “I did not know anything about it.” Yang talked to Vaming and Vaming talked to Billy and Long. According to the conversation with Vaming on Monday night, the Vice President responded, “Yes, that is true.” However, the President said, “No, that is not true. It is only misunderstood or miscommunication.”
    During the meeting I asked why the Vice President resigned without telling his down line if it was not illegal. If it is true that it was illegal, why he did not tell anyone? I also asked if he any of the account was refund before he resigned. The president answer that VP resigned because of the stress of the business. It is only misunderstand. If we did not believe, we can talk to the attorney. Vaming asked Sy Lee to tell us what the attorney had said during their meeting because three of them met with the attorney. Sy said, “The attorney said that the $5,000 SVIP is not legal but if they are happy to pay then that is ‘OK’.” Who would you believe? Do you think it is legal or illegal? Are you happy paying $5,000.00 without receiving the service as promised in the sales video and excel spreadsheet calculator? Base on these current information, the false advertisement, and the performance of Seer Binary the last three months, I deserve to have a full refund. However, to be fair for both party. I asked only 60% to be refunded. I believe this is reasonable to solve the problem without governmental investigation. However, his final refund offer is only $1,000.00. He stated that this is the best he can do for everyone. He is not afraid to face court because we will lose at the end of the day. He can then turn around and sue us for more. Therefore, we will lose more than the $5,000. How many of you are happy with that amount? I sure am not happy with the $1,000 refund for poor service render.
    Thank you

  36. wang

    Hi Team,
    Three days passed, we did not hear anything from the CEO. Long please respond to us so that we can solve this issue and move to your opportunity.
    Thank you

  37. PAO

    Long, Should post what had happened to seer binary on the back office under — News and Update—so that all members can make their own decision on Seer Binary, not just to promote members to join Forex and have another bad dream again when the lose money for the second time.

    If Long is an honest person, he should not afraid of posting the offer to settlement for all SVIP on Seer Binary back office. Seemed like he is hiding this information for other members and SVIP—Unacceptable !

  38. wang

    Hi Pao,
    I agreed, who is willing to put more money in Goptions for more trade since accounts wiped out the last 3 months.

    Long, three days passed already you have not come out with any solution yet. During the meeting you said that you are not afraid to go to court. However, You did not want anyone to take that route. Me too, I don’t want to take that route either. To avoid that route, you have to come out with solution. Otherwise, we have no choice.
    Thank you

  39. Liz

    We still have not heard a response back from Long on the refund solution and its already past the 3 day mark that we set for him from the face to face meeting on the 15th. I looked in my back office and Long posted nothing about our refund amount or solution he just posted more on the new Forex Marketing business and about GOption only.

    If Long is an honest person as he claims to be, he should not be afraid or hide from us, SVIP members. Long needs to come up with the refund amount that we are asking for otherwise we will have to take the necessary actions as we mentioned at the last meeting.

    We all know Long is not being truthfully honest here he is hiding the money and not fully disclosing the full amount so that we will not pressure him to give us the fair amount we are requesting for. The total of SVIP members that was disclosed is 68 members just mulitple $5,000.00 by 68 totals $340,000.00……Where did all this money go? I know for sure it didn’t all go towards Seerbinary business expenses and even if it did its not any of our SVIP member’s damn concern. Long needs to refund the money we are requesting for with no more delays otherwise Im sick of playing mister nice guy with him

    1. Pao

      Now that, our money with Seer Binary are gone with the wind. Seer Binary is a scam autotrader. It planned to give us money for the first 2 weeks and then took away all of our money for the last 3 months. Long thinks we are just kids and the way he presented is to treat us like we are kids—Common man ! We are not just born yesterday, OK.

      Long received Kick back from Gotions—That’s why we all loss our money. This is an unacceptable to all members.

      Long better post something about Seer Binary is failure and he will refund all or partial $5000.00 to all SVIP on the Seer Binary back office rather than posting his new business opportunity to scam our Hmong community to loss money again. I don’t think this is right.

  40. Cheng

    I saw something on Seer Binary back office that is not about Seer Binary anymore. Why is that? This guy scammed us with Seer Binary and did not get enough money, So, now he tries to scam us with another business, Forex trading or what. To me, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH— I ran on that stop sign once and got a traffic ticket, I will not run that traffic stop sing again for the second time to get another ticket. OK.

  41. wang

    I just want to post Long invitation to the meeting on this Thurs.

    Hi Long,
    Thank you for hosting another meeting for us to discuss the concern and solution. I’m looking forward to attend the meeting. To make our meeting short, please focus on the solution of Seer Binary not new opportunity. I believed most of us who came to last meeting did not interest on new opportunity.
    Thank you


    SeerBinary Support 1/20/15 Keep this message at the top of your inbox
    Hello WANG,

    Last Thursday we had a meeting regarding to Seer Binary’s current situation,
    our future plan which is going to the Forex Market, and our SVIP reconsideration.
    However, it seem there wasn’t a final solution. Therefore, I am going to host
    another live meeting to address the concern and finalize a resolution.

    Where: 777 Campus Commons Road Suite 200 Sacramento, Ca. 95825
    When: Thursday 22nd at 7:00pm SHARP!
    Dress code: Professional

    Please feel free to share with your SVIP team so they can attend. This
    message has been sent to all of the SVIP including you.

    I am looking forward to see you there. However, if you lived far and unable
    to attend, I can understand. Once a solution has been established, I will
    send you the update.

    Have a blessing day…


    Long Yang, CEO/President

    Powered by:
    2251 Florin Rd Suite 22, Sacramento, Ca 95822, United States
    To unsubscribe visit:
    To change your contact details visit:

  42. Xee

    For those who don’t know, this shows how much Goptions favored helping Seer Binary members. It also shows how lowly Goptions thought of Long and his business from the get-go. Sadly, Goptions was right about something. Long’s plan to “help” everyone actually resulted in thousands of dollars lost from good people who trusted him because he had fabricated information about his business. Goptions definitely did not have a 70%+ success rate nor 25+ years trading experience.

    I received a call from Goptions account manager Daniel Gant in early October even before Seer Binary trading started, insisting Seer Binary was a bad and losing business. He suggested that I should just drop Seer Binary and trade directly with GOptions. His exact words were, “Mr. Long doesn’t even know what he is doing. You’re better off working with me.” I received several calls from Daniel after this saying the same thing… badmouthing both Seer Binary and Long. The last call I got was on 11/18/2014, after unsuccessfully attempting to withdraw my money for weeks because my requests kept getting cancelled. Daniel was even more pushy & told me to transfer my remaining money from Seer Binary directly to him to trade because Goptions was the real deal. In his words, “I told you Seer Binary was a losing deal from the beginning. You can’t just expect to hear someone (with no experience) on the radio and trust doing business with them.” I repeatedly told him no and sent another email requesting my withdrawal. That was when I erroneously received an internal email thread between Goptions CEO Lee More, Daniel Gant, and James Avery.
    The content of the email showed Goptions’ true colors as to what kind of business they were operating, one that was NOT in favor of their clients. I shared this info with Long the same day, but it seemed Long wasn’t as upset with Goptions as I had expected him to be. It didn’t even seem to shock him too much. He also spoke as if he was still planning to work with them… probably because he got a referral bonus for each Seer Binary member and was stuck with them. Guess he didn’t do his research on them before telling us about their 70%+ track record.
    See below:
    From me to Goptions support:
    On Tue, 18 Nov at 8:01 pm
    Hi Veronica,
    I placed an order to do a withdrawal online but it seems the withdrawal is not done yet. What do I need to do to expedite this? I wanted to take $1800 out. Thanks.
     Goptions support to Daniel Gant
    On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 8:24 PM, GOptions < > wrote:
    Explain this please
    Jim Avery
    VP Of Customer Support and Service GOptions

    Daniel’s response
    On Nov 18, 2014, at 10:25 PM, Daniel Gant < > wrote:
    we spoke, shes BSing ill send you the email after the talk we had …. BS we said we will open here a new account and move her fro seer…

    Lee More to Daniel:
    On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Support < > wrote:
    > Ok. Just keep this shot in line
    Good saves today but now need you to get that cash in. We are having a shit month and I need you and james to pick it up big time

    Daniel Gant to Lee:
    >i know lee, I’m killing my self phone call after phone call I’m here extra hours trying to get the money … you know im not big on excuses but this month is really hard and my pool of clients is not paying out really busting it scrapping every thing i got !

    Jim Avery (goptions)
    18 Nov 21:11
    What do you think is the problem ?
    Just bad luck/timing ?

    It’s sad Long continued to work with people who thought so poorly of him.

  43. wang

    Hi Team,
    Finally my withdrawal from Goptions is successful. It took me a whole month to complete the transaction. If you still have fund with Goptions, I recommend to try again.

    Thank you and hope to see everyone on Thursday night.


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