Seer Binary Members Demand

On January 15, 2015 at Sacramento, CA, concerned Seer Binary members, particularly SVIP package owners, met with Seer Binary CEO Long Yang to discuss refunds due to false advertising. After four hours of meeting without any resolution, the members agreed to give Long three days to figure out a solution that would be acceptable.  Long agreed to the terms.  However, at the end of the third day of January 18, 2015, Long was still unable to provide a solution. Consequently, members of Seer Binary who believe that the company had committed false advertising held a conference call among themselves and concluded that …

While they feel that they are entitled a full refund due to gross false advertising on the part of Seer Binary which got them (SVIP package owners) to purchase SVIP packages of $5,000, they each will demand only $3,000 back out of courtesy to Seer Binary; Long’s initial offer of $1,000 is definitely unacceptable.  They feel that $3,000 is doable because of the following:

  • Considering that since Seer Binary was willing to offer a total of $68,000 to be refunded back to SVIP package owners at the January 15, 2015 meeting, it can be expected that since not all SVIP members want a refund, the $68,000 can be divided among those who want a refund of $3,000 each.  $68,000 divided by 3000 covers 22 SVIPs; we may or may not have this many SVIP who want a refund, but based on what we have been hearing at all the discussions, the SVIPs in Thai Yang and Sy Lee’s teams do not want a refund.  Whether this is true or not, it is a matter beyond our control.  We can only work with what we know; and currently, we have a group of SVIP (approximately between 20 – 25) who feel that Seer Binary has lied to them and they want their money back.
  • Considering that Long gets affiliate commissions from GOptions for everyone who signed up with GOptions through the Seer Binary link, we don’t know exactly how much Long got from GOptions, but from looking at GOptions’ affiliate program information, Long probably got at least $200 for each person who signed up.  Based on the numbers that we have been hearing from Long, assuming that only 200 people signed up with GOptions even though there is more who actually signed up, Long would have been paid $40,000 in affiliate commissions from GOptions; this is an additional source of income which had not been counted in the pot of money that Long previously showed us.
  • At the January 15, 2015 meeting, Long showed Seer Binary bank accounts to have only $141,000 left, but he provided no details on how the money had been spent.  For all we know, he could be hiding some money and showing us only the figure of $141,000 to make it seem like there is only a small amount of money left out of the over $383,000.  Nevertheless, regardless of how much money is left, Seer Binary has to figure out a way to come up with the difference so that each SVIP member can get refunded $3,000.  It is unfortunate, but it is all part of business.

The above are the main things pointed out during the conference call of January 18, 2015 regarding how the members see how a solution could be reached.  If Long does not agree to the solution above, then legal actions and other remedies such as reporting Seer Binary to the SEC or other appropriate regulators would be taken; $5,000 would be sought after instead of $3,000.  The group felt that Long had been given sufficient time to handle the matter, but Long had historically shown a pattern of avoidance and so forth (see the summary chain of events below).

Despite all that have been presented both in written form and in person on January 15, 2015 regarding people’s grievances, Long still showed no remorse or understanding that Seer Binary had committed false advertising and hurt all the people who signed up into the business.  Here we are talking about EVERY SINGLE PERSON.  NO ONE has made any money from the trading, not even Seer Binary.  There really isn’t more that can be said.  Seer Binary had grossly misrepresented what it could do for people through its advertising from the very beginning.  Therefore, Seer Binary needs to take responsibility and give people refunds.

POST NOTE:  At the writing of this posting which is in the early part of January 20, 2015, Long still has not contacted us with an acceptable solution.  He, however, published the trading results for the period of 1/5/15 – 1/14/15 being 91 trades with 61 losses yielding a success ratio of 33%.  To me personally, it is insane to continue to trade with GOptions.  It is suicide.  It is throwing money away.  Long needs to stop and concede that Seer Binary is dead.  Protect whatever money is left and reimburse people for their losses due to false advertising on the part of Seer Binary.


Summary of Chain of Events Leading to SVIP Demand & Partial List of SVIP Who Want a Refund

This discussion on getting a refund has been going on since October 2014 when people started noticing that Seer Binary was unable to fulfill its obligation or the level of service that SVIP members have paid for.  In November 2014, I pushed Long to call a meeting to address people’s concerns, but it was not until the early part of December 2014 that Long finally met with field leaders (Sy Lee, James Tung, Vaming Xiong, Wa Seng Yang, and Yang Xiong) in the Sacramento area.  In this meeting, Long was presented with all the concerns and reasons for people wanting a refund.  He responded that he will consult with his attorney and hold another meeting to address people’s concerns.

As time went by, he changed his mind about holding another meeting to address the concerns.  Instead, he wanted people to individually contact him about their grievances.  As people did that, he basically told them that he would not give refunds, etc.  Consequently, it got no where.  Then in early January 2015, during the SVIP private conference call, Long refused to address people’s concerns even though in his email about the call, he had indicated that both the SVIP bonus and the future of Seer Binary would be discussed.  This lead the members to demand a face to face meeting with Long which was finally held on January 15, 2015.

From the chain of events above, a group of SVIP members decided that they each want a $3,000 refund from Seer Binary as detailed above due Seer Binary’s false advertising and inability to provide services at the level that they paid for.  Below is a partial list of those SVIP Members as of 1/22/15:

  1. Wang Khue Thao
  2. Charles Vang
  3. Elizabeth Her
  4. Koua Vue
  5. Steve Lewandowski
  6. Koy Phan
  7. Fay Guitan
  8. Mary Xiong
  9. Mycie Xiong
  10. Daneng Xiong
  11. Xee Abundo
  12. Zye Vang
  13. Kou Vang
  14. Raymond Vang
  15. Tony Her
  16. Terry Thao
  17. Oladejo Olutosin
  18. Steven Xiong
  19. Kathy Yang
  20. Kevin Moua
  21. Brandon Moua

33 thoughts on “Seer Binary Members Demand

  1. Steve

    Well said , well done my sentiments exactly!

    Long if you are indeed reading these posts then please Stop this nonsense! Please understand that the very people you have lied to are being very gracious and merciful! Stop confiding in Sy Lee He has turned your back to us and you would be wise to sever All ties with him!
    Please think about about this most gracious offer of only asking $3,000 ! Long you stand to loose much more than any monetary amount so I personally urge you to swallow your pride and give the members who would like a refund their just due.

  2. wang

    Hi Yang,
    Thank you for making this blog happen for us to discuss. I agreed every word in here and I had nothing to add.

    Remember that the conference call with Thai and Chue on Jan 3, 15. Thai told me that he has 64 people this include 12 SVIP ready to move on. Also Vaming said during the meeting on 1-15-15 that he did not want his to be refunded because he is looking to the new opportunity. Therefore, $3,000.00 is too little for Seer Binary to refund if Long choose to avoid legal action.

    Thank you

  3. Koy

    Hi Yang,
    Well written and thank you for your great wonderful leadership skills and honesty.

    Long, if you are indeed reading this and all member’s comments, please understand that enough is enough. We gave you enough time to do the right things and refund 60%, or $3000.00 of the SVIP pack money. Take responsibility and stand like a man. I took responsibility for my mistake of trusting you and I am taking $2000.00 lost, but you had committed a fraudulent by lying about the master traders experiences, it’s track records, the signal and gaining potentials. You have no choice but 60% refund to the SVIP members that requested for refund.
    You said that in business people will lose money, then why are we the only people need to lose, why are you not willing to take the lost. Long, we don’t care how you pay your taxes. Don’t even think for a seconds that we are that stupid.

  4. Steven Xiong

    I personally think $ 3000.00 would too little, but willing to go with the flow. I’ve joined SeerBinary with one reason only and that to respect Long.

  5. Liz

    Very well said, Yang. No need to add anything else in additional

    Yang you are a good leader as you are dedicated to listening and hearing our concerns and stress of all whats been going on with Seerbinary and Long.

    Long you need to stop this nonsense and stop trying to avoid our request and concerns. Us SVIP members are willing to take a loss of $2 grand and you should also accept a loss on your end as well for false advertising. Your lucky we are not asking for 100% back. Like Koy says, be a man and take up on your responsibilities. Us members have no concern or any part in regarding your taxes or business expenses as that is all part of you having a business that you must take on which has no aspect or concerns to us as the members. If your going to claim you can’t refund us the amount we are asking back due to you needing to pay your taxes you will definitely get the legal boot. Long don’t be a disappointment!

  6. Fay

    Long you need to return $3000 dollars to SVIP, we all feel you had very poor service and I couldn’t believe that you could do this kind of business to your own people. We all deserve to get $3000.00 back from you.

  7. Xee

    There should be no problem refunding everyone the $5,000 since it seems not all the SVIPs want a refund. Those not wanting a refund are blinded by the false promises and false hope of making money in Forex…. Good luck to them, but before trying to start a new business, Long needs to take care of the old one. I think the deadline request for $3,000 was over as soon as the 3 day deadline ended. Yang, the $5,000 SVIP refund definitely needs a resolution deadline, and the necessary actions need to be taken if this date is not met. Seems like there are too many games. I’m sure once the SEC gets involved, the games will end. A thorough investigation will show where the money is exactly, so it’s best to settle it with the members directly to avoid more troubles…

  8. Yang Xiong Post author

    I sent the email below to Long at 23:51 on January 20, 2015.
    Hello Long.

    People are happy to finally hear from you regarding the meeting date when we would finalize the issue of refunds.

    Keeping with the original plan, the members have held a conference call on 1/18/15 and agreed on a plan of action. Please find below the link to their demand. They expect a straight YES or NO answer from you at the upcoming Thursday meeting.

    Please read through carefully their demand and all their comments and seriously think through your options and consider what they are suggesting to you on how the issue could be resolved. They have provided many other comments to you as well at the other postings which can now be accessed by following this link

    Despite all that are happening, I am still a friend, a business associate, and a brother. I would be happy to talk to you between now and then if needed, but by Thursday evening, a final answer must be reached.

    Yang Xiong

    1. Yang

      Just wanted to let everyone know that Long received and read the email. See the receipt info below that the system sent back to me:

      Time of reading : 01/21/2015 12:15 AM

  9. koy

    Hi team,
    My friend Fay posted a comment here yesterday among with few others, but today it was deleted. Does anyone know what had happened?

    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      Hi Koy, Fay and others. When it comes to posting, I have set it to automatically post as soon as you click the “Post Comment” button unless your posting contains some sort of link, then I would have to manually approve it. So if you posting doesn’t show up, it may be one of two things. You need to refresh the page so the new comment would be shown or you were unsuccessful at posting for one reason or another. Just try again.

  10. wang

    Koy, it still there. Sometime you need to refresh your system.
    Thank you

  11. Daneng

    This issue is seriously ridiculous. $5,000 is what people paid for the SVIP package. I’ve bought many products online for the last 3 years and have spent thousands of dollars online. Anything above $3,000 is considered a High Ticket product or service. There is usually a higher level of value provided in these High Ticket items. The SVIP package for $5,000 is a freakin JOKE! False advertising and misrepresentation was done by the company (Seerbinary) There is no Value associated with the SVIP whatsover. Out of 68 SVIP members, nobody received any value from it. Everybody lost money, yes Everybody means 100% of the members. If anybody did not lose money please speak up. After 3 months of the business launching out of 300 or so Seerbinary members only one person is in the positive. The CEO, Long Yang. While everyone is negative the CEO made a nice profit of over $300k. Now he’s telling everybody, it’s too bad the business didn’t go as planned. Yes, I understand you paid me $5,000 + but I can’t get this business to work anymore so it’s too bad for you there’s no refunds. I’m starting a new company and come follow me or else you’ll be missing out. Come on, Seriously?
    Quite honestly I do not know of any company offering such a High Ticket service and just act like nothing is wrong when they don’t provide the services according to what was advertised. Do the right thing Long and give the people back their money. It seems to me everyone is actually thinking of you that’s why the demand is only for $3,000 vs the full $5,000. Again there was no value or service even remotely close to the amount paid. They really should be entitled to the full refund. $3,000 should be more than doable for you.

  12. Xee

    As mentioned before, the deadline for the $3,000 is long overdue so now we need our full refund of $5,000. There’s no reason why he is entitled to keep $2,000 and there’s also no doubt the money is elsewhere. Why are we trying to think of him when he has simply made excuses & ignored everyone for months? $2,000 per person is a lot of money we are not asking for. Think about it. Some people don’t even make $2,000/month & trusted him with their money…. Anyone else feel the same way? For sure he will lose big time, more than money if this goes to the Feds. Get this nightmare over with for everyone, then continue with your new business.

    1. Yang

      Hi Xee. You missed our conference call of 1/18/15; but in that call, we decided, as a courtesy, to extend the deadline for Long to respond YES or NO to our demand of $3,000 for each SVIP to the face-to-face meeting of tomorrow (1/22/15). The ball is now in his court. He has had plenty of time to think things through. I along with others have made ourselves available to continue to talk to him should he want to talk between now and then. We will no longer waste anymore time. On Thursday, its is either a YES or a NO. We will then proceed with what is necessary legally.

      Daneng made a very good point that we were supposedly sold a “high ticket” service, but it was no where near what we were supposed to be getting. The reality is that EVER MEMBER lost money and continues to lost every day, yet Long is not doing anything about it. Long is the only one who had gained in this whole Seer Binary debacle. There is something VERY WRONG with this picture; only the CEO gained but EVERYONE else lost. I cannot understand how could anyone continue to keep at it and still try to get other people to continue with the flow of things.

      As I have said before, it is insane and irresponsible of those who do not do anything about it. That is my personal view towards it whether one agrees with me or not.

  13. Steven xiong

    Hi team I want long have to refund 60% or $3000.00 for the svip

  14. Steve

    Hello my fellow victims!

    I must whole heartedly agree with Daneng what has Long done to deserve such mercy when he has not even considered how much pain and suffering we all have endured at the hands of SeerBinary! Yang you are also right in given him till tomorrow (22nd of Jan.) to make amends and give us all a full refund or face retribution for his deeds. I now support the fact that SeerBinary Owes all of us a full refund of $5,000 nothing less will be excepted. “Let it be written , So let it be done”

  15. Koy

    Hello team,
    Tomorrow meeting with Long is very important. Please stand together and have our voice heard. We need to make necessary demands before our CEO Long Yang. We all started this business by trusting some falsed advertisement. We are not getting anything close to what Long promoted. We want our money back. Any day delays will cost you interest and penalty.
    Long, be prepared to have answer and money.

  16. Oladejo Olutosin (Nigeria)

    It has all been a bad experience all together. I invested $2500 for trading with Goption apart from the $5000 SVIP. As I talk to you, my account has been reduced to $45 and to think that I have been trading at 2.5% instead of the normal 5%. Like I said, it’s been a bad experience. Tosin, Nigeria

    1. Yang

      Oladejo. Very good to hear from you. I take it that you also want to be a part of those who want a refund. Please clarify. Also, please get the word out to others.

  17. Koy

    Hi team,
    Steve, Fay and I won’t be able to make it to tonight’s meeting due to schedules conflicts. Even though we are not going to be at tonight meeting, it doesn’t mean we don’t want the refund. Long, we are 100% behind all the SVIP members that
    requested for a refund. We don’t want any more delay in refund. We have been waiting for mis and enough time has been wasted. We have refund.

  18. wang

    Hi team,
    It seems everyone is accepted Long’s offer, but not me. I want to clarify my final statement because most people did not hear. I said if everyone agree with that, I may go with them, but if one person disagree and go for it, I have to go with that person. Meaning if one person disagree and take legal action, I have to take action. During the meeting Long never mentioned anything about our demand. Yang asked if Long read our demand Long said yes, but I don’t think so.
    Think about this:
    A and B both SVIP but A is recruiter SVIP:
    A recruit one SVIP, 25% or $1,250.00
    A recruit 2 SVIP, 25% or $2,500.00
    A recruit 3 SVIP, 25% or $3,750.00 and so on

    Seer Binary refund $1,875 plus what ever the commission. How much A lost?A, lost 0 or less than 40% of $5,000.00.

    B, no matter how much Seer Binary refund B lost over 60%. What do you think? Is that fair? Why all the people agreed with the offer? Most of the people that came to the meeting is recruiter. They did not loss anything or less than 40%. If I am in that position, I’m more than happy to take the offer too.
    Thank you and like to see your thought.

    1. Yang

      From what I know, those who came to the meeting who recruited more than two SVIPs are only Sy, Vaming, and me. Elizabeth has only one SVIP and the rest are just doing SVIP by themselves. I don’t think the reason why people agreed to Long’s proposal is not entirely what you stated Wang. There are more factors that need to be considered. I will share more about my thoughts of what happened at the meeting tonight at our conference call.

  19. Xee

    Hi everyone,

    I couldn’t make it to the meeting last night. For those who attended, what was Long’s proposal?

    1. Xee

      Wang’s post just showed up after I posted my question. According to Wang’s post, Long is only going to refund $1875 per SVIP member? Those who recruited @ least once SVIP member would be getting $3,125 back ($1875 + 1250). For those who didn’t recruit, they lose $3,155? This refund of $1875 is not even close to what is acceptable & doesn’t sound right. Please clarify. I am one of the ones who definitely does not agree with this. Thank you.

      1. Yang

        Although I responded to Wang’s comment that I will share more tonight, lets carefully think things through. One issue in particular is this idea that recruiters are getting more back as in the example you gave. There is a big difference between getting refund and earning a commission. These two are entirely different from each other. If we start mixing these two in our considerations, then we are stepping into other issues that will only complicate matters more. I will say more in our call later on tonight.

  20. wang

    Yang, I understand that commission and refund are totally different. However, it seems no one is on our side . They claim that Long’s proposed is acceptable and too much already. Also, Billy said that Long gave us more than 50%. Therefore, we have to accept the offer. Because of this I come out with the idea I posted earlier.
    Thank you

  21. Oladejo Richard (Nigeria)

    Thank you all for your concern. Special thanks to Yang for this medium. Seerbinary started well with a great hope for all of us but it’s quite unfortunate how everything is ending. If you asked me, I will confess that Goption is the main culprit and I suspected that from the beginning. Whatever everyone agreed to in terms of refund, my wife and I will agree to that, though in-between us, we’ve lost so much. Thank you everyone.

    1. Yang Xiong Post author

      I am glad to see your posting. Definitely, GOption played a huge role in the failure of Seer Binary. In the grand scale of things, however, before a grand venture such as what had been attempted by Seer Binary is rolled out to the world, Seer Binary should really have done its due diligence regarding the trustworthiness of GOptions. It’s very unfortunate that things have turned out the way it did. I hope that all of us have learned something from this experience. I certainly did which are both positive and negative.


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