Wealthy Affiliate Review

By | December 13, 2014

Wealthy Affiliate:  The One-stop Shop to Make Money Online For Both “Brick & Mortar” and Internet-based Businesses

confusionYou hear more and more people are able to become wealthy from the internet.  You want a piece of the pie; but as you look into it, what you find is a large amount of information that confuses you as to where to even begin.

Let me say that you are not alone.  I have been there and done that many times.  My exploration into earning from the internet started in October 2008, but it wasn’t until now (December 2014) that I finally found a legitimate, well thought out, and supportive community that includes members from all walks of life and trainers who really know their subject matter.

It’s been about two weeks now that I signed up with Wealthy Affiliate (WA).  Never before have I been able to learn so much already about creating an effective website to be used for whatever purpose I choose.  My professional background is not programming or anything related to information technology, yet today, I am able to put together this website that you are viewing in a very short period of time.

rightdirectionLook no further, WA gives you all the tools you need to go in the right direction for those who want to succeed online and also those who have a “brick and mortar business” but recognize the need to also be present online.  In addition to providing excellent training services and resources to being successful online, WA offers a lucrative and steady referral program for those who would like to turn around and also promote WA.  Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the one-stop shop for people who would like to earn from being online.

I have seen other models with similar services, but those other models are designed to “upsell” you and your team members. If you don’t purchase the service first yourself, then you cannot receive the more advanced trainings, and you cannot make commissions from the sale of those higher level services.  At WA, there are only two subscription levels (Sarter/FREE and Premium).

Starter/FREE Subscription

At the Starter/FREE subscription level, you will be able to go through the first (Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started) of five certification courses which includes 10 lessons that will help you get going as listed below:

Wealthy Affiliate Free Lessons

Even at just at the FREE subscription level, you can see that you would be walked by the hand from first understanding how the process of making money online works to choosing a niche, building your website (you get two free websites via WA), and filling it with quality contents so that it would not be just any other website, but a website that can generate income for you.

Premium Subscription

At the premium subscription level ($47 per month), you have access to additional resources which includes the rest of the certification courses which are listed below:

WA Premium Certification Courses

Furthermore, you will have access to additional resources that will propel your online businesses to heights that you’ve never experienced before.  You will be able to go through the classes below:

WA Premium Classes

By the time you get through with all of the above, my personal view is that you would have pretty much graduated from a university with a degree in making money from the internet.  Once you have this knowledge, no one can take it away from you.  You will now be able to carve out any internet real estate.

On top of this, what I love most about WA is that I have access to unlimited domain hosting as a premium member.  In other words, I can host as many websites as I want.  Currently, I have just under 10 websites up and running!  I can choose to use any WordPress theme from over 1000s of choices to quickly layout my website or I can create my own from scratch.  Everything that you want to do on your website, you can do with WA services.  Again, it is just only $47 per month for EVERYTHING which includes top notch training, unlimited hosting service, live trainings, and 24/7 support from not only WA staff but also other members from around the world.

That’s right… I had not mentioned this above, but in WA, a community is formed from all the members who come from all sorts of background.  All the members exchange information and share knowledge and support for each other within the Wealthy Affiliate back office.  So what you have is something like a Facebook group.  You would not be alone in Wealthy Affiliate.  The members are very helpful; the owners are even more helpful as you plant your stake in WA.

To get first hand experience, I recommend signing up for FREE which entitles you to premium services in your first 7 days.  After that, you can choose to continue as a FREE member or upgrade to continue to enjoy premium services.


WA Referral Program

If you should choose to promote WA to generate income, you will also be able to go through the WA Bootcamp where you will be trained on how to successfully market WA.  The bootcamp is composed of 7 courses as seen below:



WA’s referral program is one where you can still participate in even if you don’t upgrade to become a premium member.  It is one of the only affiliate programs in the world that averages over $100 per commission and one that pays for FREE sign-ups.


The above figures are what you would earn from each person you referred if you were a premium member.  If you remain as a Starter/FREE member, then simply reduce the commission in half.

Because of this set up for the compensation plan, you can easily get your WA premium membership essentially for free by simply referring two other people to also become premium members.  Since you would be earning $22.50 from each premium member, with two premium member referrals, you now would be earning $45 each month to be used towards your premium membership of $47.  With the third referral on, it would be just profit.

So if we play with the math a little, below are some potential monthly earning scenarios that could be yours:


Over 9 years without missing a payment date, and paying out millions of dollars in commissions, the Wealthy Affiliate referral program is an opportunity that all members are entitled to within the community.

But before I leave this topic, I want to address a misconception or an “incomplete observation” that some people have about the WA compensation plan.  They would say that compared to other programs, it appears WA’s compensation plan is paying out so little.  With WA, you are making only $22.50/mth per person.  With other opportunities, one can earn in the hundreds and so forth.  At first glance, it would appear as just presented, but here is what I have noticed so far in my personal experience.

Sure I’m spending $47 each month for my premium membership, but what I get is worth so much more than what I pay for.  I get the following:

  • Hosting service for 50 websites.
  • Ongoing 24/7 support from WA staff and the WA community of over 10,000 people
  • Weekly live webinars on vital topics relating to earning money online
  • High quality certification courses and classrooms covering various topics on earning money online
  • The ability to leverage WA’s high quality service and earn by becoming an affiliate of WA

With all of the above benefits, I have kept my membership.  The people that I had referred also did the same thing.  Once a person fully sees that the benefits outweighs the costs, there is no way that they would leave the program; I have no intention of ever leaving WA barring circumstance beyond my control.  So what you really have here is steady “residual income” that would only continue to grow over time!

Wealthy Affiliate Summary

As we utilize the trainings in WA, we develop the necessary skills to be successful online. As we promote WA, we also get paid commissions.


Category: Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunities Professional Development

About Yang Xiong

My personal mission is to elevate the financial well being of families across the globe through working with people individually and as a team so they can live their lives how they see fit. If they want to be an employee for someone or become their own boss, let that be because of their own choosing. Although money is not the main thing, it can allow us to be able to make these kind of life changing choices so that we can enjoy the kind of lifestyle that we choose.

8 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review

    1. Yang

      Yes. You should look more into WA. You will not be disappointed. Let me know what you think after you’ve had a chance to learn more about it.

  1. Ken

    This is a great review of the best available affiliate assistance program. Wealthy Affiliate has everything from start to continuing education. This is the best place for a beginner and a great place for the expert to increase their education.

    1. Yang

      Thanks Ken for your feedback on my review of WA. As I have shared, I’ve been looking around for quite sometime for the essential tools to market online successfully. I’ve learned so much already.

  2. Pingback: Choose To Be Wealthy | Empire Team Builders

  3. Marc

    Great review. I really like how you anticipated just about anything a person could ask. I really like seeing the breakdown of potential earnings.
    I loved Wealthy Affiliate since the first day I signed it. There is no hype, no empty promises, no spam. Just plain and simple outlines of how to build a successful online business.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. Yang

      Thank you Marc for dropping by to provide your thoughts on Wealthy Affiliate. It is good to know that you also love Wealthy Affiliate because it is no hype, no empty promises, no spam and so forth as you said.


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